What is the measure of man? How do you measure a man's life? I don't know the answer, but these are some of the things I found along the way in my life...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Managing Me and You

I had coffee with a friend tonight. It was a very pleasant evening. A lot of reminiscing. A lot of catching up. And a lot of just being relaxed and being me. I am finding that people are a big part of my life and managing the friendships and relationships becomes a little hard to bear sometimes. While sitting across the table with someone looking them in the eye remains the preferred method that I would like to meet with people. It is not always that feasible. With that I realize has come the need to manage our relationships in alternate means. Hence the arrival and need for networking sites like My Space and Face Book. I have joined Face Book (at last), I had resisted up to this point fearing that I would seem the creepy old guy lurking on line. But once I realized my 40 yr old sister had a Face Book page I didn't quite feel that way anymore. One thing I will commit to is remaining true to the people on my page ( making sure that I do indeed know them and not be a "friends" whore just trying to increase the number of friends on page). I know I am going to love this Face Book thing, I have already ran into ans chatted with some people I have not talked to in 14 years. That is absolutely amazing to me.

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