I am sitting in the 7th floor waiting room at USC University Hospital, Waiting to go in to see my mom. (She is doing well, by the way.) And her new kidney is doing well also. I was actually a patient here in this hospital about 4 months ago, this is place where I had my craniotomy done where they took about a 2 square in piece of my skull removed an artery from my temple area and then sewed it into my brain. Up to that point I was having some strong mini strokes as well as up to 5 to 10 little mini strokes in a day. Since I had the surgery I have had only two mini strokes and only one of them was big enough to send me to the hospital. My family has been showing the places I was staying at here when I was here in the hospital. I have always wanted a cool head scar and now I have one. his hospital is a teaching hospital so there are a lot of young looking doctors in here. I am sure they are tired of me asking how many times they have performed this or that procedure and how far they are in their residency. I am glad my mom had her surgery here I know, personally, what kind of care they are capable of providing.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Constants You Can Count On #3
I started this series in the early part of last year and never got around to fininshing the list. Its a new year, but our God remains faithful and unchanging, so these constants being grounded in the faith and in God remain unchanging as well.
3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
2 Peter 1:21New King James Version (NKJV)for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.2 Peter 1:20-21 (in Context) 2 Peter 1 (Whole Chapter)New Living Translation (NLT) or from human initiative. No, those prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and they spoke from God.2 Peter 1:20-21 (in Context) 2 Peter 1 (Whole Chapter)
These verses talk about prophecy and it being spoken as the prophets are being moved by the Holy Spirit and in all cases this is very true. I think all prophecy should be given as directed by the Holy Spirit. But in I don’t believe the Holy Spirit is just going to move in the instances of prophecy. I think the Holy Spirit moves us and in us in various ways. Sometimes it is obvious as is the case of prophecy and wonders like healing, other times it is more subtle like a quiet tugging at the heart to give when we have the ability to, or to help out a friend who needs help, sometimes it is simply just stepping out in faith when we don’t feel like it. The Holy Spirit is constantly moving around us and He will move in us and through us if we will let Him. It is not always in a big and extraordinary way. Sometimes it is the still small whisper we hear compelling us to do something. But in either case big or small we can be assured that the Holy Spirit is still indeed moving.
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5:25 PM
Labels: Blog Preaching, Discipleship
Managing Me and You
I had coffee with a friend tonight. It was a very pleasant evening. A lot of reminiscing. A lot of catching up. And a lot of just being relaxed and being me. I am finding that people are a big part of my life and managing the friendships and relationships becomes a little hard to bear sometimes. While sitting across the table with someone looking them in the eye remains the preferred method that I would like to meet with people. It is not always that feasible. With that I realize has come the need to manage our relationships in alternate means. Hence the arrival and need for networking sites like My Space and Face Book. I have joined Face Book (at last), I had resisted up to this point fearing that I would seem the creepy old guy lurking on line. But once I realized my 40 yr old sister had a Face Book page I didn't quite feel that way anymore. One thing I will commit to is remaining true to the people on my page ( making sure that I do indeed know them and not be a "friends" whore just trying to increase the number of friends on page). I know I am going to love this Face Book thing, I have already ran into ans chatted with some people I have not talked to in 14 years. That is absolutely amazing to me.
Posted by
5:06 PM
Labels: Measurement of Mike, People Blessings
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 Is Here
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2:43 PM
Labels: Discipleship, Measurement of Life, Measurement of Mike
Friday, September 26, 2008
one month ago today someone was in my head literally. almost two months ago i walked into a local emergency room with symptoms of yet another TIA or mini stroke That led two a three week stay in three different hospitals and a brain surgery after about 2 years of these mini strokes eith no apparent cause of them someon thought to run a different test that no one had un on me yet and diagnosedme with moya moya syndrome arare brain disease that affects asian women and children . I had an STA/MCA BYPASS they took an artery out of my scalp and sewed it into the artery in my middle brain i now have a 2"x2"scar on my right side of my head and a reason to finally get a mohawk the great neurosurgery team at USC University hospital did a great job on the surgery even though I did technically die on the table twice I stopped breathing once and my heart stopped once.
Posted by
9:48 PM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Prayer Will Still Work
2. Prayer will still work.
James 5:16 (NKJV) 16…The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
James 5:16 (NLT) 16…The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.
James 5:16 (TMNT) 16…The prayer of a person living right with God is something powerful to be reckoned with.
I look at the NKJV translation of this verse and there are four words that automatically pop out of the page and grab my attention—effective, fervent, righteous and avails. The fourth word appears to be conditional of the first three. In other words you don't gets the "avails much" until you are righteous and are praying effectively and fervently.
How is it that a person prays effectively? I love to pray and sometimes I get lost in my communication with God that people say I should pray next time and not preach. There are times that prayer actually becomes more like worship. In moments like those I think it is better to call that time worship instead of prayer. Our friend Webster defines prayer as 1) an address (as a petition) to God and 2) an earnest request or wish. Neither of those definitions mention praise, worship or flowery language. Nor do they mention tone or length of the prayer. To be effective in prayer you have to know what you are requesting and the basis on which you are requesting it.
James makes a reference to Elijah when he said the heavens were to be sealed up because of Ahab's rebellion. He knew what the word said about worshipping false idols and turning your back on God. It was also that Elijah by the same token was able to call fire down from heaven to consume his offering to God after Ahab and his prophets realized there was no power in Baal. After the prophets had been trying to call down fire from Baal all day, dancing and cutting up there bodies they had no response. Elijah who prayed a prayer to God that was less than 10 seconds in length got an immediate response because he knew he was praying God's word and was praying from a solid foundation.
God tells us to bring Him in remembrance of His word—not that He has forgotten but that we know the basis on which we are asking things of Him. Jesus said "The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply." Matthew 6:7-9 (TMNT) Praying effectively is praying God's word back to him as the basis for your requests. Praying effectively is praying God's will fulfilled in your life and in the lives of others—whether that be healing, prosperity, favor with the people you deal with—if it has a foundation in the word of God then it is fair ground for requesting it from Him.
Fervent prayer is not so difficult to understand either. When Elijah said that the heavens would open up and pour out rain it did not happen immediately. He had just called down fire from heaven and it took less that 10 seconds for him to utter that prayer. He asked for rain and the heavens did not open up right away. He sent his servant and asked him to look for clouds and the servant returned saying the sky was clear. So Elijah put his head between his knees again and prayed a second time. Still the servant reported clear skies. He did this 5 more times until the servant reported that a small cloud was surfacing on the horizon.
It is important to note that even though Elijah was used to prayers that received quick response from God, he did not give up when he did not receive and immediate answer this time. He knew the word of God and he knew the will of God for his people, now that they were reconciled back to Him. It is also important to note the posture that Elijah took when praying—he put his face between his knees. In ancient times this is posture that women used to take when they were giving birth to their babies. It wasn't that God needed Elijah to pray over and over again. It wasn't that He was testing Elijah, God trusted him as His mouthpiece. God was asking Elijah to form a deeper relationship with Him—asking Him to enter into His presence a second, third, fifth and seventh time. When there is no immediate response from God sometimes we need to pray the fervent prayer. We know w to pray effectively, fervently is entering into the presence of God over and over again coming before the almighty and trusting Him. The more we trust Him the more we realize that He has our best interest at heart and the issues we bring before Him fade and the relationship we have with Him becomes the source of everything that we need. We don't pray fervently to get Gods attention, we pray fervently to birth a deeper relationship with him.
Righteousness is another word that cane seem intimidating to someone who reads that praying fervently and effectively is not enough to avail much, but that effective and fervent prayer needs to come from a righteous man. The intimidation that the word righteous brings is simply a misunderstanding of its meaning. People understand righteousness to be a behavior. That is not the case. The righteousness of a man comes from his beliefs. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NKJV) If we believe that you have become a new creation like Paul says you have in 2 Corinthians 5:17, then you are a righteous individual. I know that seems way too easy. Let me offer one more example from the bible to confirm my theory. "For the Scriptures tell us, "Abraham believed God, so God declared him to be righteous." When people work, their wages are not a gift. Workers earn what they receive. But people are declared righteous because of their faith, not because of their work." Romans 4:3-5 (NLT) Abraham did nothing except believe that God was who He said He was and would do what He said He would do. That is what made him a righteous man. It is not a person's behavior that makes him a righteous person it is his belief.
Knowing the meaning of these three words should help remove the intimidation of praying fervently and effectually, especially in the light of the fact that righteousness is determined by our beliefs and not our behavior. Our prayers can be something that is powerful and that brings about wonderful results—our prayers can be a force to be reckoned with. (James 5:16, NLT, TMNT)
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!
Posted by
2:10 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Bible Will Still Have All the Answers
1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
2 Timothy 3:16 - 17 (NLT) 16All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. 17It is Godâ™s way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do.
2 Timothy 3:16 - 17 (TMNT) 16Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or anotherâ"showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live Godâ™s way. 17Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.
When I am truly searching for the answer to a question I am facing in life the best place I turn for the final answer is the Bible. When we try each and every situation to the standards that are detailed in Godâ™s word we find that we are either in line with His plan for our lives or we have overstepped the boundaries of His will for us. If we allow it the Word of God will do exactly what 2 Timothy 3:16 saysâ"show us truth, expose our rebellion correct our mistakes and train us to live the way God intended us to live. God uses His word to speak to each of us differently. He uses it to prepare each of us as individuals so that we will be fully equipped for the work he has purposed for our lives.
Posted by
1:30 PM
Constants You can Count On
I have heard it time and time again that the only thing that remains constant in life is change. When there is so much that is changing around you, sometimes you get lost in the whirlwind of it all. I need more sometimes. I need that place of constancy. I need to know that there are things that I can turn to that are going to be the sameâ"the same in every wayâ"no matter what situation or circumstance I am facing in my life. I can handle change, but I need to be able to rely on a rock of constancy somewhere in my life.
Considering this I was browsing through some of the messages in my email box that I had marked as read without really reading them (the number of unread messages became so daunting one day I almost couldnâ™t catch my breath) knowing that I would eventually get a moment to read them. I came across an email from a friend with the title âœThe Top Ten Predictions For 2008.â Being the middle of March, I decided it would be interesting to see if any of them were true. Sitting there reading this email message which was supposed to be a rare entertaining moment for me (which as of late come few and far between) actually became an answer to my search for constancy. In a matter of moments I had ten truths, foundations, I could cling to when I needed them because none of these would change. They are the same today as they were yesterday, last week or even last millennium. They would remain the same tomorrow, next week and until the very day that Jesus comes back for His people.
These ten items moved me when I needed to be moved and they spoke some peace into my spirit when I couldnâ™t have needed it more. If we really take some time to meditate on the truths that God has provided for us in His word, the world becomes a much more bearable place to exist. In studying and understanding His word our lives take on purpose and meaning. It is my hope that this Top Ten List will provide something that you can hold on to when you are grasping for something to steady your walk in life when the whirlwind of change comes roaring by.
Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!!
Posted by
1:19 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Hiatus Is Over
It has been a long time since I last wrote about anything here on my little space on the web. It is not to say that my life has been become that boring or monotonous that there has been absolutely nothing blog worthy. It is to say though that the whirlwind known as life has caught me up and sucked away my time and my energy at times that the thought of being able to blog was, if anything, inconceivable. There has been so much going on in my mind and life lately that I had to write to get some of it out. I can sum it all up in three words: GOD IS MOVING. I feel the tug in my spirit that HE is about to move in a big wayIn my life and in my family's lives for sure. It is my hope and prayer that He moves in huge ways in the church and the fresh spirit of revival falls on all of His people. BE on the lookoutit's coming!
Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!
Posted by
2:16 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I had a Stroke
Yesterday was a big two week anniversary for me. It was the anniversary of something life changing and something that has left its mark on me forever. Two weeks ago yesterday at 3:34 PM I had a stroke. Over the course of the next two hours it would be the first of at least two strokes that I would have that day. The tests would come to show that the strokes I had that day were not the first ones that I had. There was some damage that was visible in the MRI which is evidence that there was at least one (possibly more) stroke that left its mark on my brain. To make things more interesting the MRI also showed that I had had strokes on both sides of my brain unlike most people who only usually have them on one side. I have had stroke-like symptoms for the last year and a half--though none of the tests has ever shown that I actually had them. I have had several tests done MRI's, EEG's, CT Scans, EKG's, Echos, Sonograms, Ultrasounds, EMG, TEE, and none of them have been able to tell the doctors what was causing my numbness and loss of muscle strength--that is until now. Though it sucks to have had a stroke, now they know what is wrong with me and they can treat it. I am on blood thinners and most likely will be for the rest of my life, and with that comes the weekly blood tests or $20 finger prick to make sure my blood is thin but not to thin. Out of all of this I am more sure today than I was two weeks ago that God has a plan for my life, because what could have disabled me for the rest of my life has indeed left no lasting damage in my body function or brain processes. To not give Him the glory and praise for such a personal miracle would be just silly. He takes care of those who serve Him.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Labels: Fix Me, God Moments, Measurement of Life, Measurement of Mike