What is the measure of man? How do you measure a man's life? I don't know the answer, but these are some of the things I found along the way in my life...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Genuine, Transparent, Faithful

The trip today was great. My mom slept most of the way and my niece (who my mom wanted to join us) was listening to her Ipod in the back seat. We ate a nice dinner at the Olive Garden and then went to the meeting. It is always such a nice feeling to join our friends out of town. We are always received well. Their ministry is so genuine. They are out on the road a lot but it is nice to know that they are praying for us. They have kept my mom in prayer all this time and when they tell us that, you just have to know they are telling the truth. These people are completely transparent. God told my mom tonight that she was not through on this earth—that is exactly what I hear when I pray for my mom. God is Good!!

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