What is the measure of man? How do you measure a man's life? I don't know the answer, but these are some of the things I found along the way in my life...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Great Omission

Since I felt called to the ministry, I have had an urgency in my heart for discipleship. I had a horrible and very minimal understanding of discipleship growing up. And it is sad to say that that was the understanding that I was taught in church. As the church we often design, redesign or create programs and then they end up becoming our focus that we have designed the program to become our focus and not the goal the program was supposed accomplish. Discipleship is not a new concept. It is not something that we have to design programs for or set up committees to accomplish. Discipleship is about going back to the basics Jesus spent time teaching to the crowds that followed him and more in depth to the 12 He chose to sit at His feet.

The Great Omission by Dallas Willard has been a breath of fresh air and has confirmed what I have been feeling. I don't really enjoy reading topical books unless they are edifying, but I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. Although it reads like a college text book sometimes, it is easily understood especially if you have a heart for teaching people about trues discipleship or on the quest to find it for yourself. If you can I suggest you pick it up as a summer read.

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