What is the measure of man? How do you measure a man's life? I don't know the answer, but these are some of the things I found along the way in my life...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Can You Hear ME Now?!?

This has been an interesting week for me in terms of what God has been teaching me and asking me to do. It is amazing what will happen when you get so frustrated with waiting and you open your mouth to say,, "God whatever it is you want me to do just tell me and I will do it!" Amazing because it brings to life that age old adage about being careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. When you open you mouth like that, it seems that is when God chooses to speak back to you and it is not always what you want to hear. It is almost as if He waits until you are so broke down and there is almost nothing left of you to get in your way and then He moves you. After reading that back to myself, I guess that is a pretty smart plan after all. I mean why use somebody when they are not broke down and there is too much of themselves to get in the way of His plan.
God is calling me in a new direction. It is kind of weird though because it seems like He never really used me in the old direction I felt Him calling me in. It was almost if He was testing me to see if I would or even could hear what He was asking me to do. It must be great to be God. (I will leave that one alone. No need for Lucifer being kicked out of heaven Part II.) In this new direction I am excited and a little intimidated at the same time. I guess that is good because I am excited enough to want to take on the challenge that intimidates me. The funny part of all this was how God had to tell me. He took me into 2 different places in scripture dealing with my new calling. Then a book I received in the mail was all about stepping out and accepting the call that God has placed on our lives. And I guess I was still saying "God are you sure?!?" I picked up a book that I could never get into when it was given to me 2 years ago because I needed something to get me through a 2 hour doctor appointment my mom had. God stepped in again and used this book to speak to me as it dealt with finding and doing what God made you to do for His glory.
I might be a little hard of hearing, but I finally heard Him. And together we will press on.
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

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