What is the measure of man? How do you measure a man's life? I don't know the answer, but these are some of the things I found along the way in my life...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hand or Heart

My frustration with Christians seem to rise again today. I feel like I just want to find the highest mountain and shout "What are you doing?!" I was listening to people talk yesterday and all it was is "God I need..., God is going to give me..., God needs to...," It almost made me nauseous. Is that all we know God for, the benefits? Is that all we have taught people He is? A get out of jail free card, a back up plan, an ATM? The best part of God we seem to be utilizing, the only part so many want to know is His hand--what He can get us, what He can do for us. We should be desiring to see Him face to face. We should be seeking to know what is on His heart. Our time alone with Him, should spent in praise and worship, or with a silent mouth and wide open heart. We should spend time with Him not just asking and listing our needs, but asking Him what is heavy on His heart and how we can be of service.

Lord I pray that I am able to see You face to face and that I will never be content until I do.

Bless You Lord for the Blessing that You are.

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